Editorial: Yes, Climate Change is a Real Thing
Around 78% of the United States’ population believes that climate change is a real life phenomenon, and that it is caused by human activity, according to a research survey conducted in 2016. It is believed that if we continue to contribute to the change in our climate, global warming, rising sea levels, the lack of natural resources and the displacement of our very own people, are issues we will soon be facing. For that other 22% of Americans, climate change is only a figment of our imagination. Climate change is not something we should take lightly, as it is caused by human activity, and in consequence, will cause harm to our home planet. Driving your car, taking the bus, flying across the ocean and the inadvertent emission of greenhouse gases are all day-today human activities, which contribute to climate change. Believe it or not, a sixteen year old,such as myself, is responsible for these contributions during their daily routine. People like myself, are the reasons why we...